Oh myyy goodness! I don't know where to begin after my first day of training yesterday, so warning this may be a super long post! :)
Because of the shady bus system here they recommend you leave super early for your shift to gurantee you wont be late. So...I had to be at work at 3:15 so my roomie Shaleen and I took the 1:33 bus (they change bus drivers at Vista Way so you have to sit there for 30 min) and we got to the cast drop off area at Magic Kingdom at 2:40. Shaleen also had work that day but she got there a little early to hang out with me! I told you there were fantastic people here :) I was super nervous so we walked around the tunnels underground the MK. She showed me where the locker rooms were and which direction to go towards Frontierland (it is quite easy to get lost in those tunnels, but there are handy dandy cute signs pointing you in the right directions and inspirational quotes on the walls).
Let me digress for a bit...I was thinking about my job as I was falling asleep last night and I concluded it is like a show. Disney encourages that by calling us Cast Members, and our uniforms costumes and we have onstage and backstage. But this mentality will help me get through my job everyday, especially because this mindset is familiar to me coming from a theatre background! I put my costume on, do my make up, get ready back stage and walk the tunnels to my location and then WHAM I'm onstage behind the counter or the greeter outside Pecos Bills and I put on a smile for the guests and try my absolute best to make sure each and every guest is happy and their questions are answered! Just like in theatre, if I'm not on my A-game the guests/audience can tell and it effects their experience. After work yesterday, as I was walking back through the tunnels, I felt like the show was over and I was on my way home, it was such a satisfying feeling knowing I completed my task for the day and created happiness for maybe not every guest that came into our restaurant, but at least some. Ok, now back to my day...!
I was training with this girl from Thailand named Ratchadporn, or Beau as she likes to be called and she was about 4'10, definite Snooki size, although I'm pretty sure she has no idea who that is haha We met our trainer Ray, who is 20 from Puerto Rico. He was fun and knew what he was doing but he moved fast! Although with the business of Pecos Bills (the 2nd busiest on Disney property!) he would run off to do something and Beau and I would be so lost! I felt like a lost puppy following him around all day. He showed us how to be filler at the counter, be counter stock and fill drink orders. When Pecos is at its busiest times flies so freakin fast! Which is good, I would rather be busy then bored out of my mind herding people into an attraction. We learned where they stock all the food and how to read the recipts to give the guests their food in a smooth fashion. We also learned how to close down Pecos and clean the soda machine, the coffee machine, hot chocolate machine, wipe EVERY nook and cranny down, restock the cups and lids and put all the food back in the coolers plus more I already forget...whoops!
It is nerve racking being the filler (the one who gives the guests their food) because when it's busy there are 30+ pairs of eyes watching you and waiting for their food. BUT....yesterday there were particular guests that stood out to me and put a smile on my face, even in this busy time. They were kind and patient which can go a long way. One man called my name (which I still have to get used to because my first reaction is "omg how do the know my name!! creeepy!" but then I realize I have the awesome Disney nametag, and all he wanted was to let me know he recognized his food. That's another thing is the guests just stand there waiting for their food and easily recognize their order and are not afraid to let you know, which in the end is helpful! It is almost like a game...get the right food to the right person! It's crazy, a definite challenge, fun and problem solving at its finest!
This job is going to keep me very very busy, but it's a good change of pace for me and out of my comfort zone, which will help build character hopefully! Although I work late nights (until 1:30 tonight!) I get to sleep in and hang out with my awesome roomies in the morning/afternoon :) And I can call/text my beyond amazing friends from back home, who I miss way to much to put into words or I will tear up, on my way home from work because it's only 11 back in Cali!
Oh my gosh how could I forget! I work with a bunch of fun Puerto Ricans who all speak Spanish and of course I forget all the spanish I learned in my life except how to say elbow and and lettuce...not helpful! But my goal is to be muy bueno at espanol!
I know I have more to say, but I'm drawing a blank, but keep checking back for more updates!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Straight to the Dome!
Yesterday was such a magical day! I know that may sound cheesy but I even ended my day getting pixie dust from cast members on Main Street! I got to sleep in and then I walked over to Patterson Court where Morgan lives. Here's a great story....So Morgan went to high school with my big, Ashley, and she is also a Gamma Phi at San Diego State! We befriended eachother on facebook and have kept in touch since I want to say October. She arrived here in January and is my go to girl if I need advice on anything. We ordered match GPhi Disney shirt to wear when we explored the parks, like that fine day yesterday. As soon as I got to her room I felt very welcomed and not out of place at all. That is one thing I've noticed since arriving, so many people are way more friendly and open to conversations with others. Her roommate Shelbi, Morgan and I then hopped in Shelbi's car and drove to the Disney Wedding Pavillion!! This was literally my dream come true, I want to get married here so badly it hurts! The setting was absolutely gorgeous and you could smell the fresh flowers!
Here Morgan and I are at the entrance to the stunning Wedding Pavillion!
This is the altar where all the vow exchanges happen, soo special! It is hard to tell in this picture, but in between our heads you can see Cinderella's Castle and the Grand Floridian at its finest! :)
Now, back to our day...After this we walked the grounds of the regale Grand Floridian and walked along the white sandy beach in the 80degree weather with huge smiles on our faces, saying "Oh mylanta" and "Oh my goodness!" at every turn. From there we drove to Hollywood Studios with the main goal of seeing Fantasmic. Our tummys were calling out for food so we stopped by the Primetime Cafe, which is 50's family themed so when your table is ready the servers call out "Bob it's dinner time come to the table!!". Super creative! We ended up sitting at the bar, which I was surprised because they were serving alcohol, but I didn't complain. I had THE BEST smoothie ever and vegetables and ravioli! Food coma for sure! I told Morgan how back in Santa Cruz we named our food babies after the American Girl dolls :) Another part of being in Florida is bringing a slice of Santa Cruz and sharing the fun stories from college and all the quirky things my friends and I do and say. Such as "rougghhhh" or even saying "jaggggged" when a situation is that bad. I also learned "straight to the dome!" as Morgan says when someone gets hit in the face.
Morgan, Shelbi and I at Hollywood Studios!
We walked all around the park and finally up to the Fantasmic Arena which was HUGE! I'm used to Disneyland where you sit on the sidewalk where you can, but no...everything is more epic here. The show was FANTASTIC!! Seeing all the characters on the boat at the end was so special and the whole thing reminded me why I love Disney. After that we drove to Magic Kingdom and ran to watch Wishes the firework show. Even from far down Main Street it was everything I ever dreamed!! I could watch that show every night of my life and never get bored. The way the music, lights, fireworks and overall magical setting worked together brought chills. Next time I plan on sitting right in front of the castle to get the full effect!
We ended a perfect day with a picture in front of the glorious caslte! <3
Here Morgan and I are at the entrance to the stunning Wedding Pavillion!
This is the altar where all the vow exchanges happen, soo special! It is hard to tell in this picture, but in between our heads you can see Cinderella's Castle and the Grand Floridian at its finest! :)
Now, back to our day...After this we walked the grounds of the regale Grand Floridian and walked along the white sandy beach in the 80degree weather with huge smiles on our faces, saying "Oh mylanta" and "Oh my goodness!" at every turn. From there we drove to Hollywood Studios with the main goal of seeing Fantasmic. Our tummys were calling out for food so we stopped by the Primetime Cafe, which is 50's family themed so when your table is ready the servers call out "Bob it's dinner time come to the table!!". Super creative! We ended up sitting at the bar, which I was surprised because they were serving alcohol, but I didn't complain. I had THE BEST smoothie ever and vegetables and ravioli! Food coma for sure! I told Morgan how back in Santa Cruz we named our food babies after the American Girl dolls :) Another part of being in Florida is bringing a slice of Santa Cruz and sharing the fun stories from college and all the quirky things my friends and I do and say. Such as "rougghhhh" or even saying "jaggggged" when a situation is that bad. I also learned "straight to the dome!" as Morgan says when someone gets hit in the face.
Morgan, Shelbi and I at Hollywood Studios!
We walked all around the park and finally up to the Fantasmic Arena which was HUGE! I'm used to Disneyland where you sit on the sidewalk where you can, but no...everything is more epic here. The show was FANTASTIC!! Seeing all the characters on the boat at the end was so special and the whole thing reminded me why I love Disney. After that we drove to Magic Kingdom and ran to watch Wishes the firework show. Even from far down Main Street it was everything I ever dreamed!! I could watch that show every night of my life and never get bored. The way the music, lights, fireworks and overall magical setting worked together brought chills. Next time I plan on sitting right in front of the castle to get the full effect!
We ended a perfect day with a picture in front of the glorious caslte! <3
Monday, March 28, 2011
Jungle Speed!
Yesterday was a very very good day! I FINALLY got to sleep in, which is a big deal because we have had to get up super early every day this week. Then around 11, my roomie Shaleen and I hoped on the bus and went to Disney University, but we stopped by the cast member discount store first! It was in a little warehouse behind the enormous cast parking lot. I have to say I was in Disney merchandise heaven!!! I bought I cute mickey mouse sweatshirt for $8 and a fabulous castle picture frame for $5! Both of these items were originally at least $20 each! I am for sure going back there as much as possible! Then we had training from 1-4:30 and we got ER (which means early released as I just learned yesterday).
When we got home we heard about Lindsay’s day because she is the only one of us to go through a full day a training on the job in her costume! She is working at Hollywood Studios at the Indiana Jones show…I’m not too sure what it is because I haven’t been there yet haha overall she said it was a really tiring day and there were many different jobs within the attraction to perfect. This upcoming week should be interesting because we all start training at our workplace, and we get to see what it really is like to work at WDW! We planned to go out to park tonight but we were having too much fun lounging around, talking and laughing that we ended up going on an adventure to find Chinese food!! Then our Puerto Rican roomie had her friends over who introduced us to this French game called jungle speed. It reminded me of Uno but there were shapes. So here we are…2 girls from Washington, 1 from Illinois, 1 from California, 2 girls and one guy from Puerto Rico bonding over this silly game. I never would have imagined myself in this situation but I think its wonderful how the college program unites people who never would have come together to have fun! It’s so great to think about!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Magic in the air!!
A huge part of working for Disney is passing on the traditions that have been established in the many years the company has been around. So each new cast member (as the employees are called, there are many more fun Disney terms that I will explain!) has to go through a Traditions class before beginning work. So early on Friday morning my roommates and I boarded a bus even before the sun came up and headed over to Disney University! I have to say this class was so inspirational and very useful even in the real world. It taught me to handle any types of situations with guests and how to create happiness for the guests.
Now to explain a little about my day: We were split up into 2 groups and herded down the exciting halls of Disney University that were adorned with numerous pictures of every Disney movie ever made...including James and the Giant Peach and the Mighty Ducks. I found myself instantly bonding with people around me by exclaiming “OMG I love that movie!” or “I was obsessed with that movie as a child…and I still am now!”. I was discussing this with a girl I met today named Tara, we agreed that before this program we felt the need to hide the extremities of our passion and obsession for Disney but here we are free to express all our Disney knowledge without being judged. I’m not ashamed to admit I know part of Walt Disney’s dedication speech of Disneyland or that I listen to the attraction soundtracks from Disneyland!
Anyways, I’m digressing…In Traditions we had 2 leaders who were more like comedians named Matt and Sean who explained and taught to us in a very comedic but memorable way the expectations of the Disney Company, what they stand for and how they make each moment for every guest magical, or at least the best it possibly can be. We watched some interviews and fun movies about WDW (Walt Disney World) and the last one made almost everyone in the room cry because it was so inspirational and exuberated pure happiness! One very important thing I learned was a smile goes a long long way! And I will remember that forever :) We then got a tour of the Magic Kingdom and seeing the castle for the first time, not going to lie, made me tear up because of how much it represents and the sheer joy it can bring to any face whilst entering the park. After that Mickey came to visit us and he handed out prizes while Matt and Sean asked us questions!! I ended up getting 3 little Disney figurines! Yay!
After Traditions my roomies and I crashed at the apartment and took wonderful naps (which I figured out are going to help me survive my 5 months here) and then Lindsay, Kim and I ventured back to the Magic Kingdom to explore! I have to say the Magic Kingdom threw me off a bit because it is SO similar to Disneyland, but also very differently laid out which confused the heck out of me! Lindsay and I were constantly comparing it to Disneyland, but I know I will get used to the Florida layout eventually. We went on a couple rides and ate at Pecos Bills, which is where I will be working! I’m thankful to say it was actually really good food, thank gosh.
3/26: My roommate Shaleen and I had training WAYY early which required us to catch the 6:05 bus. We got to Disney University at 7 on the dot and soon were shuffled off to take another tour of our workplace, the Magic Kingdom, which is THE MOST visited theme park in the world!! We got to see the opening of the park at 8am and I have to say it was a moment I will never forget, because we heard the countdown until the park opened and got to see children running towards main street with so much excitement and happiness it was contagious! We then proceed to learn about what our roles would be and our costumes. This training lasted from 7am-3pm and I have to say if it wasn’t for my roomie Shaleen I would have not survived! We also visited the costume warehouse and were issued our costumes!! There were hundreds upon hundreds of different kids of costumes there it was so intriguing!!
I can’t wait to explore the other parks!! My roomies Emily and Lindsay are working attractions at Hollywood Studios, Kim is a lifeguard at blizzard beach, Shawna is working in the parking lot of Animal Kingdom, Shaleen is working the food stands in Magic Kingdom and Jaclyn and Marieli are working at EPCOT. This is just an example of how many jobs there are at WDW! My favorite thing to do is look at the other cast member’s costumes and try to guess where they work! I see a new costume each day, so it is quite fun! :)
I officially begin training on Wednesday and I have some late hours, like 1 or 2 am. But I am excited to learn new things and make the most of my experience here and not be a Debbie downer.
TTFN!! (tata for now as Tigger says!)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Pics from the first couple days!
The Amazing sunset I mentioned! This picture doesn't do it justice, but I could literally see the burning/flaming ball of the sun.
My housing ID for Chatham Square!
My room with Emily!! My stuff is on the left, if you look closely you can see pandas, my GPhi rock and pillow and my Toy Story pillow! :)
In front of my apartment on move in day!!
My housing ID for Chatham Square!
My room with Emily!! My stuff is on the left, if you look closely you can see pandas, my GPhi rock and pillow and my Toy Story pillow! :)
In front of my apartment on move in day!!
Soooo today is my 3rd day in Florida and I can say that I absolutely love it!! I wish I had discovered it earlier. Let me recap my last 3 days:
Tues 3/22: I woke up still not believing that I would be in a new state by the end of the day. So on autopilot I packed my bags into the car while my dad drove me and my mom to the airport. Once security was over with I was feeling a lot better because you never know what security will do haha I had a wifi router in my carry on and I was really hoping they didnt think I was going to use it as a weapon! So finally we board the plane and the 5 hour flight flies by thanks to Virgin airlines and the personal TV in each seat :) As soon as we land in Florida I am in awe. The airport reminded me of Hawaii with very Tropical air and lots and lots of plants, even some fountains! We rent our car and drive to the Holiday Inn as the sun is setting, one of the most gorgeous sunsets I've ever seen.
I met this girl Emily on facebook through the WDW college program group and we decided we wanted to be roommates. I was wary because I had never met her but that night we met in applebees for dinner with my mom, her mom and her cousin Courtney and all my fears went away. They were such a fun group of people who can find fun in anything, which is a very important skill to have :) They are from Illinois and own a sheep farm!
Wed 3/23: The next morning Emily and I met in the lobby of our hotel to walk to check in at 8am. It was a quick 5 minute walk, but we had to run across a busy highway to get there! We had many laughs along the way. Once we got there (it was not crowded at all, due to the few number of kids arriving on our date) we filled out lots of paperwork and received our housing assignments! Emily and I were able to be roomates in the Chatham Apartments. (there were 3 complexes to pick between, Vista Way: which was known for being crazy, Chatham and Patterson: which was completely full). I am very very happy we got Chatham because it is right next to the bus stop and it is such a cute complex! It reminds me of a little town in New England. Also Mickey's Retreat is a 2 minute walk away! Mickey's retreat is a place only for cast members to go and there are amazing pools and a little beach on Lake Bryan.
Anyways, after we were done with that at about 9:15 we were free until 12:30 when we had casting. So I went to Walmart with my mom and bought supplies for my soon to be apartment. Then, at 12:30 Emily and I walked back to Vista Way (where check in was) and met our other roommates Lindsday, Kim, Shawna (all 3 are from Washington state) and Shaleen, from Puerto Rico (there were still 2 more roommates to meet who are both from Puerto Rico). We boarded a bus to take us to casting which is this HUGE building right across from Downtown Disney and there were golden statues of Disney characters in the lobby. I found out my job location which is Pecos Bills Cafe in frontierland in MAGIC KINGDOM!!! Apparently Magic Kingdom is open the latest, so I will be working very very late some nights. But aside from that, I am very happy to be working there because it is very similar to Disneyland, it will be nice to have some familiarity. The rest of casting was just completing boring paperwork and getting fingerprinted and such, so I wont bore you with that. Oh, also 2 of my roommates and I were told our highlights weren't natural enough, so Emily and I went and bought hair dye after. I had been wanting a change for sometime, so this was the perfect opportunity!
After casting my mom helped me move all my stuff into my Chatham apartment! Emily and I have a very cozy room with a walk in closet thank gosh! Following that I made another trip to Walmart to buy everything else that I didn't have, including tons of food!! Thankfully we have 2 fridges, but one is in the sketchiest closet by the front door haha Then Kim, Lindsay and I took a bus to Downtown Disney which was incredibly crowded! I was still overwhelmed by the sheer size and perfection of it! I am used to the Downtown Disney in Disneyland and that looks mediocre compared to this! I can't wait to explore more and see the parks! I met up with Emily and her family (did I mention they are fabulous?? and I am so lucky to have met her!) and we drove back to the hotel where we dyed our hair. eeeeek! Her cousin Courtney did mine, thank gosh or else I would have failed miserabley! It turned out darker than I expected but it's not permanent so it will get lighter soon!
Thurs 3/24: We all got up early to go to our Housing meeting over at The Commons (international student housing) and it lasted 2 hours and they went over housing policies and all that boring stuff. However, they did mention a bunch of activities for us CPs (college programers as we're called) such as volunteering at the Give Kids The World Village, which is a place families go with their terminally ilil children for a day of fun and relaxation. Also, there is a Carnevale event next tuesday for all of us to meet everyone and we get free Italian food! yum!
I am currently relaxing and watching Jurassic Park because I know this will be my ONLY free time in a long time. We have Traditions tomorrow, which I'm not even too sure how long it will be or what we will be doing. I know we get more info about our jobs and tours of the parks and such, so that will be amazing!! I already miss everyone from home soooo much and I know this will be a fun 5 months but also tough to be away :( This post was SUPER long but there is lots to say for the first couple days. As my time here goes on I will be very busy so I will try my hardest to keep it up to date!
Just keep swimming!! :)
Tues 3/22: I woke up still not believing that I would be in a new state by the end of the day. So on autopilot I packed my bags into the car while my dad drove me and my mom to the airport. Once security was over with I was feeling a lot better because you never know what security will do haha I had a wifi router in my carry on and I was really hoping they didnt think I was going to use it as a weapon! So finally we board the plane and the 5 hour flight flies by thanks to Virgin airlines and the personal TV in each seat :) As soon as we land in Florida I am in awe. The airport reminded me of Hawaii with very Tropical air and lots and lots of plants, even some fountains! We rent our car and drive to the Holiday Inn as the sun is setting, one of the most gorgeous sunsets I've ever seen.
I met this girl Emily on facebook through the WDW college program group and we decided we wanted to be roommates. I was wary because I had never met her but that night we met in applebees for dinner with my mom, her mom and her cousin Courtney and all my fears went away. They were such a fun group of people who can find fun in anything, which is a very important skill to have :) They are from Illinois and own a sheep farm!
Wed 3/23: The next morning Emily and I met in the lobby of our hotel to walk to check in at 8am. It was a quick 5 minute walk, but we had to run across a busy highway to get there! We had many laughs along the way. Once we got there (it was not crowded at all, due to the few number of kids arriving on our date) we filled out lots of paperwork and received our housing assignments! Emily and I were able to be roomates in the Chatham Apartments. (there were 3 complexes to pick between, Vista Way: which was known for being crazy, Chatham and Patterson: which was completely full). I am very very happy we got Chatham because it is right next to the bus stop and it is such a cute complex! It reminds me of a little town in New England. Also Mickey's Retreat is a 2 minute walk away! Mickey's retreat is a place only for cast members to go and there are amazing pools and a little beach on Lake Bryan.
Anyways, after we were done with that at about 9:15 we were free until 12:30 when we had casting. So I went to Walmart with my mom and bought supplies for my soon to be apartment. Then, at 12:30 Emily and I walked back to Vista Way (where check in was) and met our other roommates Lindsday, Kim, Shawna (all 3 are from Washington state) and Shaleen, from Puerto Rico (there were still 2 more roommates to meet who are both from Puerto Rico). We boarded a bus to take us to casting which is this HUGE building right across from Downtown Disney and there were golden statues of Disney characters in the lobby. I found out my job location which is Pecos Bills Cafe in frontierland in MAGIC KINGDOM!!! Apparently Magic Kingdom is open the latest, so I will be working very very late some nights. But aside from that, I am very happy to be working there because it is very similar to Disneyland, it will be nice to have some familiarity. The rest of casting was just completing boring paperwork and getting fingerprinted and such, so I wont bore you with that. Oh, also 2 of my roommates and I were told our highlights weren't natural enough, so Emily and I went and bought hair dye after. I had been wanting a change for sometime, so this was the perfect opportunity!
After casting my mom helped me move all my stuff into my Chatham apartment! Emily and I have a very cozy room with a walk in closet thank gosh! Following that I made another trip to Walmart to buy everything else that I didn't have, including tons of food!! Thankfully we have 2 fridges, but one is in the sketchiest closet by the front door haha Then Kim, Lindsay and I took a bus to Downtown Disney which was incredibly crowded! I was still overwhelmed by the sheer size and perfection of it! I am used to the Downtown Disney in Disneyland and that looks mediocre compared to this! I can't wait to explore more and see the parks! I met up with Emily and her family (did I mention they are fabulous?? and I am so lucky to have met her!) and we drove back to the hotel where we dyed our hair. eeeeek! Her cousin Courtney did mine, thank gosh or else I would have failed miserabley! It turned out darker than I expected but it's not permanent so it will get lighter soon!
Thurs 3/24: We all got up early to go to our Housing meeting over at The Commons (international student housing) and it lasted 2 hours and they went over housing policies and all that boring stuff. However, they did mention a bunch of activities for us CPs (college programers as we're called) such as volunteering at the Give Kids The World Village, which is a place families go with their terminally ilil children for a day of fun and relaxation. Also, there is a Carnevale event next tuesday for all of us to meet everyone and we get free Italian food! yum!
I am currently relaxing and watching Jurassic Park because I know this will be my ONLY free time in a long time. We have Traditions tomorrow, which I'm not even too sure how long it will be or what we will be doing. I know we get more info about our jobs and tours of the parks and such, so that will be amazing!! I already miss everyone from home soooo much and I know this will be a fun 5 months but also tough to be away :( This post was SUPER long but there is lots to say for the first couple days. As my time here goes on I will be very busy so I will try my hardest to keep it up to date!
Just keep swimming!! :)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
2 weeks until Disney World!
At about this time in exactly 2 weeks I will be in the air flying towards Florida! I am so excited/nervous/every other feeling possible! In these next 2 weeks I have to mentally prepare myself to leave the most amazing people in my life which makes me a very very sad camper :( So I thought I would share here what I will miss the most in my 5 months away from beautiful California!
I couldn't ask for a better family and I'm so thankful they are supporting me in my decision to move to Florida for 5 months! Can't wait for them to visit in June!
My bestie, Kara is the most genuine person I've ever met and I know she makes me a better person who will always be there for me!
Words can't describe how sad I am to be leaving the Fantastic Four!!! My Wifey, my Mow and my Mistress always know how to have a fun time and definitely have brought me out of my shell! I can't wait for our amazing house next year!!
I feel so guilty for leaving my wonderful littles but I know they will be well taken care of! They both make me the happiest biggie ever and never fail to put a smile on my face!!
Jennifer, or Jwoww as I nicknamed her, is such an amazing friend and roomie!! I've had some of the best talks with her and she is so beautiful and smart and I hope she realizes that :)
Gamma Phi Beta has been such a huge part of my life these past 2 years and I am going to miss EVERYTHING about it; especially the sweet girls I've become closer to this year, the amazing sisterhoods we always have, spring recruitment and even Monday night meetings! I'm sad I'll be missing Spring recruitment but from what our Membership Vice President has planned out it sounds like lots of fun, plus I will get to meet the new babies in fall!
And finally I will miss the love of my life...ZB!!! I dont remember life without him and he will be turning 17 in May :( He is the best kitty in the world and really cute!! hehe
I couldn't ask for a better family and I'm so thankful they are supporting me in my decision to move to Florida for 5 months! Can't wait for them to visit in June!
My bestie, Kara is the most genuine person I've ever met and I know she makes me a better person who will always be there for me!
Words can't describe how sad I am to be leaving the Fantastic Four!!! My Wifey, my Mow and my Mistress always know how to have a fun time and definitely have brought me out of my shell! I can't wait for our amazing house next year!!
I feel so guilty for leaving my wonderful littles but I know they will be well taken care of! They both make me the happiest biggie ever and never fail to put a smile on my face!!
Jennifer, or Jwoww as I nicknamed her, is such an amazing friend and roomie!! I've had some of the best talks with her and she is so beautiful and smart and I hope she realizes that :)
Gamma Phi Beta has been such a huge part of my life these past 2 years and I am going to miss EVERYTHING about it; especially the sweet girls I've become closer to this year, the amazing sisterhoods we always have, spring recruitment and even Monday night meetings! I'm sad I'll be missing Spring recruitment but from what our Membership Vice President has planned out it sounds like lots of fun, plus I will get to meet the new babies in fall!
And finally I will miss the love of my life...ZB!!! I dont remember life without him and he will be turning 17 in May :( He is the best kitty in the world and really cute!! hehe
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