Hi Friends! So one of my goals when I was here in Florida was to visit Celebration, Florida. It is a town outside of Walt Disney World that was designed and controlled by the Walt Disney Company itself. They planned everything out and lets just say it is a picturesque, white picket fence small town. My friend Marnie drove with me, Shay, Kim and Lindsay in tow :) As soon as we pulled into the town we were all in awe!!
A typical house in Celebration...soooo fabulous!!!
This is in downtown Celebration, where there are cute little boutiques and cafes
Me and Marnie super excited to be there!!!
The whole crew in front of the main hotel there, the Bohemian!
This was right out front the little movie theatre and ice cream parlor. Such a clear, perfect day!
Celebration Bear!! <3
A lot of people come to Celebration to retire, so I could see how it could get a little sleepy. But with Disney World 20 min away what could be better than that?! This is a perfect place to raise a family!! Anyone down to move here with me and have a perfect life?!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Deployment Adventures!
Hi hi! It's been a crazy couple of weeks which means I have lots of stories to share!!
So let me recap my fun 2 weeks of deployment at Pinocchio's and Tomorrowland Terrace. So for those of you who don't understand the fun Disney lingo, let me enlighten you. Deployment means on my schedule for the week I am assigned to work at another location. This happens randomly to CPs (college programers...i really hope you know what this means by now haha) and can last from 1 week to maybe 4 or 5. I didn't even notice that it said Pinocchio's instead of Pecos on my schedule until my friend Peter pointed it out! I LOVED working at Pinocchio's. Fantasyland is very different from Frontierland. I had to bite my tongue to not say Howdy to all the guests. All the people there were very friendly and a lot more relaxed than at Pecos. Pinocchio's was dead compared to Pecos, probably 3 times less busy. Their lunch rush was our slow period. So I got to know a lot of the people that worked there and had many fun conversations. Because I was deployed I don't have to go through training yet they throw me into any task. Thank goodness they were nice there and I had lots of people show me what to do. They even set up a coloring table around 4 o'clock and one day I sat there for 30 min just coloring and talking to some dad and his shy kids. fabulous! My favorite thing to do there was trays. That means you collect the trays from the dining room and at Pinocchio's you're in charge of sending them through the giant dishwasher. It's a physically demanding and sweaty job which is why I liked it and I even told Edgardo, one of my new friends there, that and he said I'm the first girl he's talked to that likes doing trays! I was very sad to leave after only a week :( but they all said for me to come back and visit!
Last week I was scheduled at Tomorrowland Terrace (or TLT as the snazzy Disney peeps call it). WOWZA Tomorrowland is soooo different!! Even the underground tunnels are just unfriendly. The costume I had to wear was HEINOUS. I felt to unattractive it was ridic. No one should ever be forced to wear pleated pants. Such a crime. Stacy and Clinton would be very disappointed with Disney. Anywho...coming from Pinocchio's were there were many cute boys, I was working with mostly girls at TLT, which wasn't a bad thing because they were all very nice and chatty, but it was just different. It was kinda annoying because there they didn't rotate you on your assignment so you would be bussing tables for literally 5 hours, or filling orders.
But TLT was also VERY VERY slow!! I was greeter one day...literally all day, but it was an easy job that consisted of saying "Hi there welcome! Would you like to see a menu up close?" (...then handing them a menu and herding them to the nearest cashier...). And one of the managers came up to me and explained how to get ready for the lunch rush. And let me tell you, at Pecos we get SLAMMED during lunch, so i was ready for anything....however, the mintutes go by and it gets kinda busy but not anything too bad then after an hour or 2 its empty again. I was like "was THAT the lunch rush???". So moral of story...Pecos is in a league of its own when it comes to quick service. One of the friends I made there was Naomi who was super interesting and is now seasonal (which means she only has to work a certain number of hours a year but still gets all the benfits). She was a CP last year and worked at the main gate at EPCOT. Also ZoeAnn was fun to talk to! We bonded over being vegetarians and she even decided to try being Vegan after hearing my story! yay!
As of a couple days ago I'm officially back at Pecos! My first day back was crazyyyy!! Lets just say I didn't miss the unfreindly Haitians in the kitchen and insanely busy lunch and dinner rushes. But it was nice finally knowing everything and not feeling lost. Also, getting to see my favorite work friends like Morgan, Laura, Peter, Sabrina, Emily, Amber, Lupi, Cijia, Michelle plus a couple others and finding ways to avoid work with them is fun :)
Morgan and Lupi!! Mejor Amigas!! <3
So let me recap my fun 2 weeks of deployment at Pinocchio's and Tomorrowland Terrace. So for those of you who don't understand the fun Disney lingo, let me enlighten you. Deployment means on my schedule for the week I am assigned to work at another location. This happens randomly to CPs (college programers...i really hope you know what this means by now haha) and can last from 1 week to maybe 4 or 5. I didn't even notice that it said Pinocchio's instead of Pecos on my schedule until my friend Peter pointed it out! I LOVED working at Pinocchio's. Fantasyland is very different from Frontierland. I had to bite my tongue to not say Howdy to all the guests. All the people there were very friendly and a lot more relaxed than at Pecos. Pinocchio's was dead compared to Pecos, probably 3 times less busy. Their lunch rush was our slow period. So I got to know a lot of the people that worked there and had many fun conversations. Because I was deployed I don't have to go through training yet they throw me into any task. Thank goodness they were nice there and I had lots of people show me what to do. They even set up a coloring table around 4 o'clock and one day I sat there for 30 min just coloring and talking to some dad and his shy kids. fabulous! My favorite thing to do there was trays. That means you collect the trays from the dining room and at Pinocchio's you're in charge of sending them through the giant dishwasher. It's a physically demanding and sweaty job which is why I liked it and I even told Edgardo, one of my new friends there, that and he said I'm the first girl he's talked to that likes doing trays! I was very sad to leave after only a week :( but they all said for me to come back and visit!
Last week I was scheduled at Tomorrowland Terrace (or TLT as the snazzy Disney peeps call it). WOWZA Tomorrowland is soooo different!! Even the underground tunnels are just unfriendly. The costume I had to wear was HEINOUS. I felt to unattractive it was ridic. No one should ever be forced to wear pleated pants. Such a crime. Stacy and Clinton would be very disappointed with Disney. Anywho...coming from Pinocchio's were there were many cute boys, I was working with mostly girls at TLT, which wasn't a bad thing because they were all very nice and chatty, but it was just different. It was kinda annoying because there they didn't rotate you on your assignment so you would be bussing tables for literally 5 hours, or filling orders.
But TLT was also VERY VERY slow!! I was greeter one day...literally all day, but it was an easy job that consisted of saying "Hi there welcome! Would you like to see a menu up close?" (...then handing them a menu and herding them to the nearest cashier...). And one of the managers came up to me and explained how to get ready for the lunch rush. And let me tell you, at Pecos we get SLAMMED during lunch, so i was ready for anything....however, the mintutes go by and it gets kinda busy but not anything too bad then after an hour or 2 its empty again. I was like "was THAT the lunch rush???". So moral of story...Pecos is in a league of its own when it comes to quick service. One of the friends I made there was Naomi who was super interesting and is now seasonal (which means she only has to work a certain number of hours a year but still gets all the benfits). She was a CP last year and worked at the main gate at EPCOT. Also ZoeAnn was fun to talk to! We bonded over being vegetarians and she even decided to try being Vegan after hearing my story! yay!
As of a couple days ago I'm officially back at Pecos! My first day back was crazyyyy!! Lets just say I didn't miss the unfreindly Haitians in the kitchen and insanely busy lunch and dinner rushes. But it was nice finally knowing everything and not feeling lost. Also, getting to see my favorite work friends like Morgan, Laura, Peter, Sabrina, Emily, Amber, Lupi, Cijia, Michelle plus a couple others and finding ways to avoid work with them is fun :)
Morgan and Lupi!! Mejor Amigas!! <3
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Hello Fantasyland!
Hello friends! I'm so sorry I havent updated in a while, things were pretty much the same here and it's quite a lot of effort to blog. So I will treat you with a fun new update!
Every Wednesday my roomie and a couple friends have been going to Buffalo Wild Wings (B Dubs as we call it here) which is a restaurant/bar type place where you can do karaoke and dance and meet
other CPs
My roomies Shaleen and Lindsay and our two friend Marnie and Sarah before going to B Dubs! It's been really fun to get dressed up because during the week all we do is work in our costumes then come home and change into sweats, not gonna lie.
Us at B Dubs in the karaoke room!
Sadly we had to say bye to the last batch of CPs that were already here when we arrived, which means there have been TONS of new CPs! It's weird being the veterans and showing all the newbies what to do at work. I secretly like it though :) The past couple weeks I have become very comfortable at Pecos and find ways to avoid working and instead use the time to have fun conversations with my coworkers (sorry Disney pretend you don't know this, I swear I have good work ethic). Because of this I have become very close with a couple of my coworkers! I even tried sweet tea for the first time with my friend Seth and Nathan and will forever think of them whenever I have sweet tea! We want to plan a reunion at Pecos when we're all married and have children haha that should be interesting!! I even invited my friend Morgan from New Zealand to my house for Thanksgiving (yes mom this is my way of telling you haha) and my friend Peter wants to meet in Disneyland next summer!
However though, Disney does this thing called 'deployment' where you are assigned to work a different location for a certain amount of time. So when I looked at my schedule last week instead of it saying Pecos, it said Pinocchios! I didn't even notice it until Peter pointed it out. So for 5 days this week I am in Fantasyland working at another quick service place called Pinocchio's Village Haus. First off the costumes is cuter and it's wayyy slower than Pecos so everyone is more calm and laid back. Also the coordinators are very nice as well as the managers, which makes for a more pleasant experience. I was SO nervous for my first day on Sunday, because I HATE change and crave routine. But I can tell I have changed a lot with the experience because it didn't really bother me that much, I just sucked it up and went in with a huge smile! Everyone I encountered was so helpful, because I am not trained in the ways of Pinocchios (they do things slightly different than at Pecos). People were going out of their way to make sure I knew what I was doing. I can't get over how nice people here are and open to conversation. It will be interesting to come back home and not be surround by Disney happiness. I miss my Pecos family a lot :( and next week I'll be at Tomorrowland Terrace. I have to wait until next Sunday to find out if I'm back at Pecos after that.
I love my Fantasyland costume!!
I have been here 2 months and 23 days already!! And only 1 month and 29 days until home. Can you believe that?! Time flies when you're having fun! I know I will miss EVERYTHING about being here so I am embracing literally every moment I have here. This has been the best decision of my entire life and made me a better and happier person! :)
Every Wednesday my roomie and a couple friends have been going to Buffalo Wild Wings (B Dubs as we call it here) which is a restaurant/bar type place where you can do karaoke and dance and meet
other CPs
My roomies Shaleen and Lindsay and our two friend Marnie and Sarah before going to B Dubs! It's been really fun to get dressed up because during the week all we do is work in our costumes then come home and change into sweats, not gonna lie.
Us at B Dubs in the karaoke room!
Sadly we had to say bye to the last batch of CPs that were already here when we arrived, which means there have been TONS of new CPs! It's weird being the veterans and showing all the newbies what to do at work. I secretly like it though :) The past couple weeks I have become very comfortable at Pecos and find ways to avoid working and instead use the time to have fun conversations with my coworkers (sorry Disney pretend you don't know this, I swear I have good work ethic). Because of this I have become very close with a couple of my coworkers! I even tried sweet tea for the first time with my friend Seth and Nathan and will forever think of them whenever I have sweet tea! We want to plan a reunion at Pecos when we're all married and have children haha that should be interesting!! I even invited my friend Morgan from New Zealand to my house for Thanksgiving (yes mom this is my way of telling you haha) and my friend Peter wants to meet in Disneyland next summer!
However though, Disney does this thing called 'deployment' where you are assigned to work a different location for a certain amount of time. So when I looked at my schedule last week instead of it saying Pecos, it said Pinocchios! I didn't even notice it until Peter pointed it out. So for 5 days this week I am in Fantasyland working at another quick service place called Pinocchio's Village Haus. First off the costumes is cuter and it's wayyy slower than Pecos so everyone is more calm and laid back. Also the coordinators are very nice as well as the managers, which makes for a more pleasant experience. I was SO nervous for my first day on Sunday, because I HATE change and crave routine. But I can tell I have changed a lot with the experience because it didn't really bother me that much, I just sucked it up and went in with a huge smile! Everyone I encountered was so helpful, because I am not trained in the ways of Pinocchios (they do things slightly different than at Pecos). People were going out of their way to make sure I knew what I was doing. I can't get over how nice people here are and open to conversation. It will be interesting to come back home and not be surround by Disney happiness. I miss my Pecos family a lot :( and next week I'll be at Tomorrowland Terrace. I have to wait until next Sunday to find out if I'm back at Pecos after that.
I love my Fantasyland costume!!
I have been here 2 months and 23 days already!! And only 1 month and 29 days until home. Can you believe that?! Time flies when you're having fun! I know I will miss EVERYTHING about being here so I am embracing literally every moment I have here. This has been the best decision of my entire life and made me a better and happier person! :)
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